Sep 4, 2023Liked by John Lyne

I wasn't sold on your analogy at first.

But as it unfolded, it made a lot of sense. Made it simple for a smooth brain like me.

Glad we're diving into courage next. Been interested in it since I heard "Unlike intelligence or charm, courage can't be faked. If you act as a courageous person would, acting in spite of your fear, that *is* courage."

btw, have you chosen to write the virtues in a specific order, or just doing what feels right?

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Don't worry, I'm not even completely sold on it. Things can get hazy at the edges; for instance, we could view stories as technologies that feed us information, which makes them seem like more of a spoon.

Though I still felt that stories fit better in the stew camp. Stories package character strengths into an appetizing ensemble. In a way, this is still a way to deliver nutrients to our character, but the relationship between stories and character strengths seems more intimate and immersive, like the relationship between a stew's broth and its solid ingredients.

But this just gets into peculiarities, the takeaway is that humans have different methods of nurturing character growth, both in how we deliver the strengths and how nutritious they are.

"btw, have you chosen to write the virtues in a specific order, or just doing what feels right?" - Is there a difference?

I think you'll like the next one ❤️‍🔥

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